E&P Community Farms

Dr Saeel Momin, Founder

E&P Community Farms is innovating waste management and agricultural productivity with their wet-waste processing technology. They transform large-scale municipal waste into premium agricultural growth promoters in just three days, reducing processing time by 98%.  

By converting waste into a high-quality growth promoter, their solution rivals traditional chemical alternatives in enhancing the quality and yield of crops, and promotes an economically sustainable circular economy model. 

E&P Community Farms is committed to contributing to the development of sustainable, future-oriented societies through environmentally responsible technologies. 

Find out more at: ep-farms.com

“Australia’s challenge of Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) waste management through traditional windrow composting highlights a clear need for innovative solutions. Early intervention through naturalistic and accelerated waste processing is essential to achieve Australia’s economical and sustainability goals.”

Dr Saeel Momin, Founder, E&P Community Farms