Round 2: Catalysing climate smart agriculture (now open)
The scale of farm operations in India and Australia differs greatly, yet both nations face similar climate variability and agricultural resilience challenges.
We’re seeking deployable, novel solutions for agricultural production, to support national economies, farmer livelihoods, and food security. Solutions should prioritise farmer needs and on-farm practices.
Does your technology or solution address one or more of these challenge statements?
Challenge statements:
1. Can you optimise natural resource inputs?
Innovative technologies and solutions that optimise access to and use of water, drive optimal soil nutrition and health, and/or protect or restore critical natural resources.
2. Can you boost productivity and profitability?
Innovative technologies and solutions that promote agricultural yield, resilience, and productivity through efficient use of fertilisers, pesticides, seeds or feed.
3. Can you influence energy use and emissions?
Innovative technologies and solutions that optimise on-farm energy and or lower emissions.
4. Can you go beyond incremental innovation to create sustainable farming systems in the long-term?
Breakthrough innovations that move beyond legacy technologies and practices to cater to changing climate, population, and economic circumstances.