Alt. Leather

Tina Funder, Founder

Alt. Leather is Australia’s first 100% biobased leather alternative. Their technology turns agricultural biomass, fibres and regenerative plant-based ingredients into a world-class material for application across fashion, footwear, furniture and automotive interiors.

Alt. Leather’s technology uses natural fibres to mimic the 3D network structure of animal leathers. By formulating plant-based biopolymers, Alt. Leather produces a material with the look, feel and performance of leather without the greenhouse gas emissions of livestock production or petrochemical processing.

Alt. Leather’s vision is to become the default to traditional leather, eliminating the need for petroleum-based plastic leather and scaling up to become a global business-to-business supplier of Australia’s first 100% plant-based and petroleum plastic-free leather alternative material.

Find out more at:

“RISE Accelerator is an incredible opportunity for Alt. Leather to connect with technical and commercial experts across Australia and India to propel the pilot phase of our development. India makes a lot of sense for us in terms of the large vegan and middle-class market, skilled textile and leather goods manufacturing industry, abundant raw material supply, and enormous leather export market. We are excited to be joining the 2024 cohort facilitated by renowned institutions CSIRO and AIM.”

Tina Funder, Founder, Alt. Leather