RISE Accelerator privacy statement

Your personal information is protected by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act). CSIRO will handle your information in accordance with this Act and the National Health & Medical Research Council (NH&MRC) National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007, updated 2018), or as otherwise required by law.

Your personal information, including your full name, email address and mobile number, is being collected for the purposes of conducting the India Australia Rapid Innovation Startup and Expansion (RISE) Accelerator program (“Program”), and related scientific research.

CSIRO may also collect your sensitive information, including information about your ethnicity and gender to determine whether you are an Indigenous Australian, ethnic or female led business.

Sensitive information may also be collected, including images, audio and/or video recordings of you for the purposes outlined above, including during your attendance at interviews and webinars, or for use in promotional materials in connection with the RISE Accelerator program. By participating in the RISE Accelerator program you consent to the use of images, audio and/or video recordings taken of you during the program being used for promotional and social media purposes.

CSIRO may disclose your personal information to third parties including Program collaborator Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), NITI Aayog, relevant Australian government entities (including AusTrade, DFAT), suppliers, mentors, coaches, experts, corporates, sponsors, industry partners and research institutes for the purposes of assessing eligibility to participate in the RISE Accelerator program and for the purposes of delivering and monitoring and evaluating the RISE Accelerator program. By virtue of your participation, your personal information may be disclosed to other participants during your attendance at RISE Accelerator program activities.

The RISE Accelerator program is delivered in collaboration with AIM (the Government of India’s flagship initiative to promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in the country) and will be delivered through a mix of online and in-person modes of delivery, with several travel components (domestic and international) to bring participants in the cohort together. As a result, your personal information will be disclosed to overseas recipients (including AIM, suppliers, mentors, coaches, experts, corporates and industry partners) for the purposes of facilitating participation in the RISE Accelerator program.

Overseas disclosure of your personal information may occur for the purpose of assessing applications to participate in the Program, or during your attendance at components of the Program delivered internationally, such as your attendance at seminars and events.

AIM is based in India and uses servers located within India. Our collaboration with AIM means your personal information may be disclosed to AIM and will accordingly be accessed and used by AIM overseas for the purpose of delivering the Program. As a result, your personal information may be stored on AIM servers which are located outside Australia, in order to facilitate AIM’s usage and access to information as part of the RISE Accelerator program.

The RISE Accelerator program will be supported and delivered by relevant Australian government entities (including AusTrade, DFAT), suppliers, mentors, coaches, experts, corporates, sponsors and industry partners. These entities may have access to your personal information for the purpose of assessing applications, Program delivery, and monitoring and evaluating components of the Program. Due to the international aspect of the RISE Accelerator program, our partnerships with suppliers, mentors, coaches, experts, corporates and industry partners may involve the transfer of your personal information to servers located outside Australia.

This project is also partnering with Creative Force Ltd/Award Force Pty Ltd, specifically through the ‘Good Grants’ platform, and Intersective Pty Ltd trading as ‘Practera’ to assist with the delivery of the Program. While CSIRO has taken steps to ensure that your personal information is stored in Good Grants and Practera servers based in Australia, it cannot completely remove the risk that your personal information may be transferred to servers located outside of Australia.
By participating in the program, you consent to the transfer of your personal information to overseas recipients (located outside of Australia) and you acknowledge that, once transferred overseas, your personal information may not be subject to the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act). If you have any concerns about this, you should not participate in the Program.

Results from the Program will be de-identified and/or aggregated and published/presented or shared in a variety of forums and with third parties. This includes presentations to collaborators, sponsors, corporates and industry partners to demonstrate Program outcomes and impacts.

While CSIRO will make all attempts to ensure you cannot be reidentified from the information contained within the publications, this risk can never be completely removed. It is possible that you may be able to be reidentified within the publications due to the small number of participants in the Program or due to unique information known to an individual such as personal friend/acquaintance/colleague.

Your personal details including your name will only be published with your explicit consent.

For further information on how CSIRO handles your personal information and our access, correction and complaints process please read our Privacy Policy or by contacting us at privacy@csiro.au.

For information about how Award Force and Practera generally handle personal information, please refer to their general privacy policies: